EMR Tutor Audit Quiz

Question 1 of 10

You and your partner arrive on scene to find a 9 year old with a possible basilar fracture of the skull. Which of the following would be contraindicated in this patient?
  Oropharyngeal airway
  Nasopharyngeal airway

Question 2 of 10

You arrive at a restaurant to a call of a woman choking. You find her sitting in a chair, very pale, and sweating. She states in a very hush tone that she has a piece of steak caught in her throat. You should immediately?
  Wait until she passes out and then give her abdominal compressions on the ground
  Encourage her to cough as it is likely high enough in the airway to expel it
  Tell her she should not take such big bites
  Give her the Heimlich and pop the chunk of steak out

Question 3 of 10

You arrive on scene to find a 35 year old man lying prone in the bathroom. He is not alert and you log roll him with c-spine stabilization into a supine position. Your next course of action would be?
  Check pulse and apply AED
  Manually open the airway
  Give him a sternal rub to check for consciousness

Question 4 of 10

Which of the following would be a sign that CPR may not be necessary?
  Stiff neck and jaw
  Core cyanosis
  The patient is unconscious
  No pulse or respirations

Question 5 of 10

Which set contains parts of the lower airway only?
  Trachea, alveoli, bronchi, and bronchioles
  Mouth, epiglottis, trachea, and bronchi
  Pharynx, larynx, lungs, and diaphragm
  Nose, alveoli, bronchi, and diaphragm

Question 6 of 10

When using an oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal you must continue to ___________.
  Keep the head in the proper position or the airway may occlude
  Occlude the airway with pressure to the Sellick membrane
  Monitor the patients reflex mechanism
  Apply pressure to the brachial artery

Question 7 of 10

You have been called to a home where a 1-year-old girl is in respiratory distress, possible apnea. The caregiver called 911 after finding the girl on the floor in front of the TV. She does not know if the child is breathing or not. Which of the following choices below contains the most accurate facts related to this call?
  Children have ridged tracheal cartilage and a short epiglottis that can easily block the airway. During CPR the neck should be slightly hyperextended to account for this difference.
  Children may have anterior displacement of the tongue which can cause an airway obstruction. CPR should include delicate compressions to avoid rib fractures.
  Children have smaller airways that are often blocked by toys and rarely occluded with mucus or swelling. If you suspect a foreign body airway obstruction, try to visually locate the object and remove it if possible.
  Children have a large tongue that takes up more of the oropharynx and can cause an airway obstruction. Proper administration of CPR should include about an inch of padding under the child's shoulders.

Question 8 of 10

You arrive on scene to find a 35 year old man lying prone in the bathroom. He is not alert and you log roll him with c-spine stabilization into a supine position. Your next course of action would be?
  Manually open the airway
  Check pulse and apply AED
  Give him a sternal rub to check for consciousness

Question 9 of 10

You arrive on scene to find a 35 year old man lying prone in the bathroom. He is not alert and you log roll him with c-spine stabilization into a supine position. Your next course of action would be?
  Check pulse and apply AED
  Give him a sternal rub to check for consciousness
  Manually open the airway

Question 10 of 10

Before inserting a simple oral airway adjunct you must?
  Lubricate it with a water based lubricant
  Measure it from the earlobe to the corner of the mouth
  Read the instructions for use
  Measure it from nose to earlobe