Company Officer, 6th Ed. Exam Prep Audit Quiz

Question 1 of 50

Which term best describes the company officer's relationship to the organization's administration?

Question 2 of 50

Which is the company officer's role in relation to the members of his/her crew?

Question 3 of 50

Which term best describes the company officer's relationship to public?
  Public servant

Question 4 of 50

Which is the company officer's most important task in relation to his/her crew?
  Evaluating performance
  Ensuring personnel safety
  Providing leadership
  Ensuring operational readiness

Question 5 of 50

As a company officer, how should you respond to an order that is unpopular with your crew?
  Devise a strategy which will minimize the impact of the order while appearing to comply with it
  State that you agree with your crew's criticisms but that compliance is not optional
  Privately discuss your questions and concerns with the administration
  Openly and honestly discuss the flaws and merits of the order with your crew

Question 6 of 50

To be successful in their transition to the role as supervisor, the new officer should __________.
  Attempt to establish friendships with those they supervise before exercising authority
  Quickly establish their authority over those they supervise
  Require the respect of subordinates
  Adopt an appropriate level of humility and respect for those they supervise

Question 7 of 50

Providing good customer service is essential for which role filled by the company officer?
  Public servant

Question 8 of 50

A company officer should be careful to avoid __________.
  Discussing with subordinates concerns/complaints about administration
  Representing agency administrators to line personnel
  Adjusting leadership styles for individual subordinates
  Representing line personnel to agency administrators

Question 9 of 50

Why does ethical conduct take on greater importance for a new officer?
  The are both supervisors and subordinates
  They now possess legitimate power
  They are expected to serve as role models
  They are responsible for the actions of their subordinates

Question 10 of 50

How best can a company officer help subordinates avoid "organizational tattoos"?
  Act as a mentor
  Be clear in your expectations
  Exercise legitimate authority
  Be an attentive listener

Question 11 of 50

Which is a correct approach to take as a new company officer meeting challenges involving existing friendships with other firefighters?
  Establishing appropriate boundaries may require taking an authoritarian approach
  I will not let public perception affect how I do my job
  I will use discretion to enforce only those policies I deem to be productive
  I won't let promotion change my relationship with my friends

Question 12 of 50

Which is one of the three elements in managing change to group dynamics?
  Make reference to tradition and culture
  Establish priorities
  Establish clear boundaries
  Act as a liaison

Question 13 of 50

In making a change, a company officer is met with the response, "We've never done it that way before". Which response is most appropriate?
  Openly discuss the flaws and merits of the proposal with your company
  Devise a strategy that will minimize the impact of the change while appearing to comply with it
  Explain the rationale behind the change and its expected benefits
  State the need to change with times or be left behind

Question 14 of 50

Which is the correct approach for managing the transition to company officer?
  Do not be reluctant to remind them that you are in charge
  Be willing to acknowledge your own mistakes and failures
  Share confidential information only with those you can trust
  Be willing to acknowledge the shortcomings of the organization

Question 15 of 50

Which phrase best sums up acting as a liaison?
  Being a two-way information agent
  Projecting a professional image
  Being dedicated to the position
  Leading by example

Question 16 of 50

Which approach is correct regarding praise and criticism?
  Do not encourage subordinates to offer you suggestions or feedback
  Do not permit yourself to be publicly criticized
  Do not single out a subordinate for praise in front of his peers
  Do not publicly discipline or discredit a subordinate

Question 17 of 50

When might it be appropriate to openly criticize your organization's management?
  When they are clearly in the wrong
  When legal violations have occurred
  When the officer must do so to protect his/her subordinates

Question 18 of 50

Which statement is a correct approach in dealing with subordinates as a new supervisor?
  Do not be reluctant to remind them that you are in charge
  Be willing to acknowledge the shortcomings of the organization
  Share confidential information only with those you can trust
  Acknowledge and take responsibility for your own mistakes

Question 19 of 50

Which should be the new company officer's perspective of respect?
  It must be commanded
  It comes with the rank
  It must be earned
  It must be demanded

Question 20 of 50

When seeking compliance of subordinates, which is the method of last resort?
  Project a command presence
  Apply the appropriate supervisory technique for the situation
  Use your rank as a reason for compliance
  Work to earn the respect of subordinates

Question 21 of 50

According to the NFPA, which item is part of a Level I company officer's duties?
  Develop policies and procedures
  Fair and efficient administration of agency policies and procedures
  Develop a project or divisional budget
  Participate in hiring and promotional assessment processes

Question 22 of 50

The success of any fire and emergency services organization is directly proportional to its ________.
  Community involvement

Question 23 of 50

Which statement is the best description of the responsibility of the level I officer regarding fire and life safety educational programs?
  He/she is responsible for forwarding these activities to the appropriate division of the agency
  He/she must be able to make presentations to members of the community
  His/her involvement in these types of programs is generally minimal
  He/she is responsible for delegating these activities to a capable subordinate

Question 24 of 50

Which is part of a Level I company officer's duties as a supervisor?
  Hiring, evaluation, promotion and dismissal of personnel
  Fiscal administration and budget preparation
  Recommend actions when situations exceed the officer's authority or ability
  Project conception, design and implementation

Question 25 of 50

Which is one of the duties specified by the NFPA as applying to all levels of fire officer?
  Delegation of tasks
  Delegation of authority
  Inspection and investigation
  Leading by example

Question 26 of 50

Which NFPA standard establishes levels of duties and qualifications for fire officers?

Question 27 of 50

How many levels of fire officer are established by the NFPA Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualification?

Question 28 of 50

When operating at a terrorist/criminal incident, a company officer should _________.
  Interview witnesses and possible suspects
  Detain persons of interest
  Establish and maintain crime scene security
  Collect and preserve evidence samples

Question 29 of 50

Which is an essential duty of the Level I officer in fire investigation?
  Observation of suspicious circumstances
  Determination of cause
  Preservation of evidence
  Collection of evidence

Question 30 of 50

Monitoring the consumption of unit resources in order to help prepare an organization’s budget is an example of which type of management duty?
  Community and government relations
  Human resources

Question 31 of 50

Of the choices listed, which is the most common title for the head of a fire department?

Question 32 of 50

Which is the common organizational structure used in the fire service?
  Top centralized

Question 33 of 50

Which statement about a scalar organization is the most correct?
  The chain of command is more vulnerable to disruption than with other organizational structures
  It eliminates intermediate organizational levels
  Authority is mostly decentralized
  Information is generally centralized for decision making

Question 34 of 50

The phrase "having an uninterrupted series of steps" best describes which organizational structure?
  Flat decentralized

Question 35 of 50

In which setting is centralized authority most effective?
  Tasks which are complex and highly specialized
  When there are large numbers of subordinates
  Small organizations or groups
  Operations dispersed over a large geographic area

Question 36 of 50

Which term means an organizational structure where decisions are made by one individual at the top of the structure?
  Unified command
  Centralized authority
  Concentrated authority
  Executive authority

Question 37 of 50

Which statement correctly summarizes the role of line personnel?
  Support the firefighters
  Support staff personnel
  Deliver services to the public

Question 38 of 50

Which statement correctly summarizes the role of staff personnel?
  Delivery of service to the public
  Support of line personnel

Question 39 of 50

__________ is a person's legal power to execute decisions and the accountability for those decisions.

Question 40 of 50

Which statement about decentralized authority is correct?
  It works well for decision making but not for accomplishing tasks
  Decision-making power is retained by the delegating authority
  It allows upper management to focus on other matters
  The agency chief must be kept informed of all decisions being made at lower levels

Question 41 of 50

Which statement about decentralized authority is correct?
  The potential for duplication of effort is minimized
  Authority for making decisions is delegated to the lowest possible level
  It should be distributed equally throughout the organizational structure
  It allows specific tasks to be performed at various levels within the organization

Question 42 of 50

Which statement about delegation of tasks is the most correct?
  Tasks may be delegated, but authority cannot be delegated
  Reluctance to delegate shows a lack of trust in the supervisor for his/her subordinates
  A task that cannot be performed by most subordinates should not be delegated
  It gives the supervisor an opportunity to develop the subordinate's skill set

Question 43 of 50

Which term means an organizational structure where authority is delegated to varying levels within the organization?
  Delegated authority
  Unified command
  Decentralized authority

Question 44 of 50

"The path of responsibility from the top to the bottom of an organization" is __________.
  Unity of command
  Scalar organization
  The one-boss principle
  The chain of command

Question 45 of 50

Conflicting and contradictory orders from different bosses have resulted in a frustrated and discouraged employee. Which organizational principle has been violated?
  Functional supervision
  Chain of command
  Unity of command
  Span of control

Question 46 of 50

According to the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Field Operations Guide, which is one of the three essential components of a leader's intent?
  End state

Question 47 of 50

According to the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Field Operations Guide, which is one of the three essential components of a leader's intent?

Question 48 of 50

Which principle states that every individual should report to only one designated supervisor?
  Span of control
  Functional supervision
  Unity of command
  Chain of command

Question 49 of 50

A firefighter begins to ventilate at a location specified by his captain. Along comes a chief who tells the firefighter to cut the hole somewhere else. Which organizational principle has been violated?
  Division of labor
  Span of control
  Functional supervision
  Unity of command

Question 50 of 50

Two different officers are giving conflicting orders to a single subordinate. Which organizational principle has been violated?
  Span of control
  Functional supervision
  Unity of command
  Chain of command