Intro to ICS Exam Prep Audit Quiz

Question 1 of 118

Which position is responsible for monitoring activities to assure the safety of personnel?
  Compensation/Claims Unit Leader
  Medical Officer
  Safety Officer
  Operations Section Chief

Question 2 of 118

What is the map symbol for the Staging Area?
  The letters SA
  The letters SA inside a square
  The letters SA next to a circle
  A circle around the letter S

Question 3 of 118

It is the job of the __________ to provide information to the media.
  Information Unit Manager
  Planning Section Chief
  Public Information Officer
  Liaison Officer

Question 4 of 118

What is the ICS term for a functional area of operations?

Question 5 of 118

Groups normally report to which ICS organizational element?

Question 6 of 118

The __________ is the location from which incident operations are directed.
  Incident Command Post
  Incident Base
  Operations Desk

Question 7 of 118

Until authority for the management of major ICS functions has been delegated, performance of those functions is __________.
  Delegated to Single Resources
  Deferred until the Incident Commander delegates the functions
  Performed by the Incident Commander

Question 8 of 118

ICS was developed in response to what event?
  Loma Prieta earthquake
  A series of California fires in the 1970's
  Hurricane Katrina
  Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Towers

Question 9 of 118

Where are available resources held while awaiting assignment?
  Incident Base
  Staging Area
  Holding Area

Question 10 of 118

What is your first task upon being deployed to an incident?
  Review the Incident Action Plan
  Check in
  Assess the situation
  Obtain a briefing

Question 11 of 118

Who is responsible directing and controlling the incident?
  Incident Manager
  Operations Section Chief
  Incident Section Chief
  Incident Commander

Question 12 of 118

Which phrase best describes the kinds of situations the Incident Command System is useful for?
  Natural disasters
  A wide variety of incidents
  Prolonged, complex incidents
  Incidents involving multiple juridications and agencies

Question 13 of 118

Which section is established first?

Question 14 of 118

Which ICS organizational element maintains, repairs, and fuels mechanized equipment, excluding aircraft?
  Service Branch
  Mechanical Unit
  Ground support Unit
  Engineering Group

Question 15 of 118

Which phrase best describes the organizational structure of the ICS organization?
  It is best suited to complex, prolonged or large incidents
  It is scalable in response to the needs of the situation
  It can be adapted to conform with existing local incident management procedures
  It is the same regardless of the type or size of incident

Question 16 of 118

The Resources Unit is a part of which ICS organizational element?

Question 17 of 118

Which is a component of the Planning/Organizational structure of ICS?
  Integrated communications
  Management by objectives
  Comprehensive resource management

Question 18 of 118

In the correct order of the incident priorities, which comes second?
  Environmental conservation
  Life safety
  Incident stabilization
  Property preservation

Question 19 of 118

Who is responsible for ensuring safety at the incident?
  Operations Chief
  Compensation/Claims Unit Leader
  Medical Officer
  Incident Commander

Question 20 of 118

Who is responsible for providing the needed services and support resources for the incident?
  Resources Unit Leader
  Planning Section Chief
  Facilities Unit Leader
  Logistics Section Chief

Question 21 of 118

Which position serves as a point of contact for representatives from other response agencies?
  Liaison Officer
  Staging Area Manager
  Public Information Officer
  Incident Commander

Question 22 of 118

All of the following units are part of the Finance/Administration Section EXCEPT ONE. CHOOSE THE EXCEPTION.

Question 23 of 118

Personnel and major pieces of equipment that are available for assingment and for which status is maintained are examples of ICS __________.

Question 24 of 118

What will be the result of failure to apply the principle of span of control?
  Committing more resources than needed to the incident
  Subordinates accountable to more than one supervisor
  More resources being assigned to a supervisor than can be effectively managed
  Tactical units being given conflicting and/or confusing orders

Question 25 of 118

Which is an example of a predesignated ICS facility?
  Command staff
  Strike Team
  Safety zone

Question 26 of 118

A Staging Area is an example of an ICS _________.
  Logistical element
  Organizational element

Question 27 of 118

Which ICS organizational element is responsible for ordering, receiving, storing, and distributing supplies?
  Ordering Manager
  Supply Unit
  Support Unit
  Resources Unit

Question 28 of 118

Which ICS organizational element is responsible for preparing and documenting the Incident Action Plan?
  Operations Section
  Logistics Section
  Command Staff
  Planning Section

Question 29 of 118

When is the use of an Incident Action Plan (IAP) optional in ICS?
  When the incident is handled with resources from within a single agency
  Whe the incident is handled by the initially dispatched resources
  When the incident is handled within a single operational period
  Never- an IAP is required by ICS for all incidents

Question 30 of 118

Span of control for a single ICS supervisor is _____ subordinates.
  5 to 10
  3 to 7
  8 to 12
  5 to 8

Question 31 of 118

Which is an essential feature of effective ICS?
  Common terminology
  Scalar organization
  Decentralized command authority
  Reciprocal aid agreements

Question 32 of 118

Anyone appointed to a Deputy Section Chief position should __________.
  Be selected from within the existing organizational structure
  Be similarly qualified as the Section Chief
  Be qualified to operate in a Unified Command
  Have previous experience in a similar position

Question 33 of 118

In the ICS, who is responsible for overall management of the incident?
  Incident Commander
  General Staff
  Planning Staff
  Section Chiefs

Question 34 of 118

Which item is most typically included in an Initial Briefing?
  Operational periods
  Purchasing and payroll procedures
  Check-in locations
  Projected duration of incident

Question 35 of 118

Which is a unique feature of Unified Command?
  Each subordinate is accountable to only one supervisor
  All members of the command staff agree to the same set of objectives, tactics and strategy for the incident
  The chain of command is clearly defined and strictly adhered to
  All jurisdictions involved in the incident form a single command structure

Question 36 of 118

What is the ICS title for the person in charge of a Section?

Question 37 of 118

What is the ICS title for the person in charge of a Task Force?

Question 38 of 118

Which statement about the behavior of personnel working a major incident is the most correct?
  Supervisors of crews working in isolated, remote locations may adjust standards of conduct accordingly
  All personnel should conduct themselves in a calm and professional manner at all times
  In stressful situations, minor lapses in professional conduct should be expected and tolerated
  It may be necessary to take independent action if your direct supervisor is insufficiently qualified

Question 39 of 118

For which type of incident is a written Incident Action Plan required?
  All incidents
  Hazardous materials
  Suspected terrorist/criminal
  Those using Unified Command

Question 40 of 118

Which ICS organizational element is responsible for oversight of all financial and cost analysis aspects of the incident?

Question 41 of 118

Branches are established when __________.
  Both Groups and Divisions are established for the same incident
  The number of Groups and Divisions exceeds span of control
  The incident is not readily divided either functionally or geographically
  Both Divisions and Groups must report to the same supervisor

Question 42 of 118

Generally, the ideal span of control in ICS is _____ to one.

Question 43 of 118

Who is responsible for advising the Incident Commander regarding information sharing and media relations?
  Public Information Officer
  Agency Representative
  Planning Section Chief
  Liaison Officer

Question 44 of 118

Which position is part of the Command Staff?
  Agency Representative

Question 45 of 118

The use of ICS by all agencies in the management of emergency incidents is mandated by __________.
  The National Fire Protection Administration (NFPA)
  The Emergency Management Institute (EMI)
  The United States Fire Administration (USFA)
  The National Incident Management System (NIMS)

Question 46 of 118

Which element of integrated communication must be established before an incident occurs?
  Integrated voice and data communication system
  The communications plan
  Policies for bandwidth utilization
  Local staffing resources

Question 47 of 118

Which statement best describes when an Incident Command Post (ICP) should be established?
  For all incidents
  For any incident utilizing Unified Command
  For major incidents
  Whenever Command and General staff functions are activated

Question 48 of 118

Which unit is part of the Service Branch?

Question 49 of 118

Which statement about Unity of Command and Unified Command is correct?
  Unity of Command and Unified Command are the same thing
  Unity of Command applies to management personnel; Unified Command applies to all personnel
  Unity of Command applies to all incidents; Unified Command applies to some incidents
  Unity of Command refers to organization; Unified Command refers to function

Question 50 of 118

Which is a temporary location in the incident area where helicopters may safely land and take off?
  Air Operations Post
  Air Support Base

Question 51 of 118

Which item is a typical weakness in incident response where ICS is not implemented?
  Failure of tactics
  Inadequate resources
  Poor communication
  "Candle-moth" syndrome

Question 52 of 118

What is the ICS title for the person in charge of a Group?

Question 53 of 118

Which statement about the modular organization is correct?
  It develops from the bottom to the top
  The IC should not perform management of other major functions
  All modular elements should be activated and staffed
  Only those sections that are needed should be created and staffed

Question 54 of 118

Which is an example of a Group?

Question 55 of 118

Which essential feature of ICS states that there must be an orderly line of authority in the incident management organization?
  Division of labor
  Lines of authority
  Unity of command
  Chain of command

Question 56 of 118

Which is an example of a standard ICS facility?
  Landing zone

Question 57 of 118

Clear text refers to the use of __________.
  Face-to-face communication in place of radio
  Cellular phones in place of radio
  Standard radio ten codes
  Plain English in radio communications

Question 58 of 118

Which ICS organizational function is part of the Support Branch?

Question 59 of 118

Which is an essential feature of effective ICS?
  Pre-incident planning
  Manageable span-of-control
  Rapid deployment of staged resources
  High degree of tactics-level autonomy

Question 60 of 118

What is the map symbol for a Helispot?
  An H inside a square
  An H alongside a colored circle or dot
  An H inside a circle
  An H inside a triangle

Question 61 of 118

Which is an example of a Division?

Question 62 of 118

The position title "Officer" applies to which ICS organizational element?
  Command Staff

Question 63 of 118

Which statement about transfer of command is correct?
  Transfer of command must be accompanied by a briefing
  Avoid transfer of command during the growth phase of the incident
  Avoid transfer during the transition between operational periods
  Command should be transferred to a person of equal or higher rank

Question 64 of 118

What is the ICS resource terminology for an Emergency Medical Technician?
  Technical Specialist
  Single Resource

Question 65 of 118

Which capability is unique to the ICS modular organization?
  The ability to expand span-of-control along with the incident
  The ability to expand and contract according to the needs of the incident
  One that incorporates personnel from several different agencies
  Clearly defined and limited areas of responsibility and authority

Question 66 of 118

Who does the Safety Officer report to?
  Operations Section Chief
  Resources Section Chief
  Incident Commander
  Command Staff

Question 67 of 118

Which feature of ICS allows for the appointment of the most qualified individuals to fill positions regardless of their rank at their home agencies?
  Modular organization
  Management by objective
  Chain of command
  Unique position titles

Question 68 of 118

Which position must be staffed in every ICS organization?
  Operations Chief
  Safety Officer
  Incident Commander
  All the above

Question 69 of 118

Who does the Service Branch report to?
  Logistics Section Chief
  Operations Section Chief
  Incident Commander
  Resources Unit Leader

Question 70 of 118

You have arrived at the incident and checked-in. What should you do next?
  Obtain and review a copy of the Incident Action Plan
  Receive an initial briefing from your supervisor
  Give the Staging Area Manager your personnel list
  Obtain and review a copy of the Communications Plan

Question 71 of 118

Which statement about transfer of command is correct?
  Transfer of command should occur during the first operational period
  Avoid transfer of command during the growth phase of the incident
  Command should be transferred to a person of equal or higher rank
  Notification should be made to incident staff that transfer of command has occurred

Question 72 of 118

What is the ICS title for the person in charge of a Division?

Question 73 of 118

Establishing integrated communications is facilitated through the use of __________.
  A communications plan
  A Communications Unit
  Mobile repeater sites
  Digital radio technology

Question 74 of 118

What is the ICS organizational title for a manager of a Branch?

Question 75 of 118

Which Unit is part of the Planning Section?

Question 76 of 118

The Logistics function is part of which ICS organizational element?
  General Staff
  Planning Section
  Resources Section
  Command Staff

Question 77 of 118

Who is responsible for establishing the incident objectives?
  Command Staff
  Planning Section Chief
  Operations Section Chief
  Incident Commander

Question 78 of 118

If all the major management functions of the ICS organization are to be fulfilled by a single individual, who will that be?
  The first arriving officer
  Incident Commander
  Division Supervisor
  Operations Section Chief

Question 79 of 118

The Demobilization Unit is a part of which ICS organizational element?

Question 80 of 118

Which standard ICS facility is equipped to provide sleeping areas, food, water and sanitary services for personnel?
  Personnel Service Area (PSA)
  Logistics unit
  Staging Area

Question 81 of 118

A feature of the ICS modular organization is its ability to __________.
  Expand span-of-control along with the incident
  Incorporate personnel from several different agencies
  Blend new organizational elements into existing local management structures
  Change in size and complexity as needed

Question 82 of 118

From the list below, which is the best reason for transferring command?
  The incident is changing in size and complexity
  A higher ranking official has arrived on scene
  Unified Command has been established
  All Command and General Staff positions have been filled

Question 83 of 118

Who does the Liaison Officer report to?
  Agency Representative
  Command Staff
  Operations Section Chief
  Incident Commander

Question 84 of 118

Which ICS organizational element is responsible for distributing and maintaining communications equipment?
  Signal Group
  Support Branch
  Facilities Unit
  Communications Unit

Question 85 of 118

Which element of the ICS typically has the most resources assigned to it?

Question 86 of 118

Which is an example of a predesignated ICS facility?
  Hand crew
  Static water supply

Question 87 of 118

What is an advantage of Unified Command?
  Delegates decision making to a single Incident Commander
  Eliminates the need for Unity of Command
  Reduces inefficiency and duplication of effort
  Maintains and reinforces span of control

Question 88 of 118

When is a Unified Command most appropriate?
  The incident involves several jurisdictions
  All senior officers are of equal rank
  There is lack of consensus among the Command Staff
  The duration of the incident will span several operational periods

Question 89 of 118

What is the map symbol for a Camp?
  A white C inside a solid black square
  A circle around the letter C
  A small pictograph of a tent
  A triangle around the letter C

Question 90 of 118

A Deputy Incident Commander should __________.
  Have previous experience in a similar position
  Have similar qualifications as the Incident Commander
  Be from the same agency as the Incident Commander
  Be equal in rank the Incident Commander

Question 91 of 118

The Operations function is part of which ICS organizational element?
  General Staff
  Tactical Group
  Unified Command
  Command Staff

Question 92 of 118

What is a Task Force?
  Any group of similar resources with a leader and common means of communication
  A group of resources that travel to the incident, to be deployed as individual resources upon arrival as needed
  A team of resources that remains intact throughout its involvement in the incident
  A combination of mixed resources with a leader and common means of communication

Question 93 of 118

Which incident objective is third in priority?
  Safety of the public
  Environmental/property preservation
  Incident stabilization
  Safety of personnel

Question 94 of 118

What is the maximum number of Incident Command Posts that may be established for a single incident?
  There is no fixed maximum number

Question 95 of 118

Who is responsible for providing information to internal and external stakeholders?
  Incident Commander
  Agency Representative
  Communications Unit Manager
  Planning Section Chief

Question 96 of 118

Which essential feature of ICS states that every individual reports to only one designated supervisor?
  Chain of command
  Division of labor
  Unity of command
  Span of control

Question 97 of 118

What is a Strike Team?
  Resources that travel to the incident as a group, with individual units deployed as needed upon arrival
  A combination of different resource types assembled for a single mission
  A group of like resources with a leader and a common means of communication
  Staged resources temporarily assembled to perform a specified task, and dispersed upon completion of the task

Question 98 of 118

What is the map symbol for the Base?
  A star around the letter B
  A circle around the letter B
  A white B inside a black triangle
  The letter B inside a square

Question 99 of 118

The Finance/Administration function is part of which ICS organizational element?
  Resource Section
  General Staff
  Accounting Group
  Command Staff

Question 100 of 118

Which function is a responsibility of the Planning Section?
  Track status of resources
  Administer contracts
  Set up facilities
  Establish communications net

Question 101 of 118

Which facility may be established in the Unified Command structure for coordination of all incident-related public information activities?
  Public Information Unit
  Media and Information Group
  Joint Information Center
  Emergency Operations Center

Question 102 of 118

Single Resources, Strike Teams, and Task Forces are examples of ICS organizational __________.

Question 103 of 118

Which is a common occurrence with Integrated General Staff within Unified Command?
  Co-location of all general staff functions
  Establishment of more than one Operations Section
  Establishment of an approval process prior to implementation of operations
  Appointment of Section Chiefs and Deputy Section Chiefs from different agencies

Question 104 of 118

The Staging Area is a part of which ICS organizational element?

Question 105 of 118

Which ICS organizational element is responsible for the collection and evaluation of incident information and intelligence?

Question 106 of 118

What is the primary location where logistic and administrative functions are performed?
  Incident Command Post
  Staging Area

Question 107 of 118

Which position is part of the Command Staff?

Question 108 of 118

Which facility will always be remotely located from the Incident Base?
  Staging Area
  Command Post

Question 109 of 118

What makes Unified Command different from Single Command?
  Unified Command deploys resources from several agencies on a single incident
  Unified Command is used for incidents spanning several operational periods
  Each of the joint Incident Commanders in a Unified Command may oversee a different Operations Section
  All responsible agencies participate as a team to manage the incident

Question 110 of 118

Which standard ICS facility is most likely to be located in a vehicle?
  Medical Unit
  Check-in Recorder
  Situation Status Display
  Incident Command Post

Question 111 of 118

Which Unit is part of the Planning Section?

Question 112 of 118

Which is a component of the essential ICS feature of accountability?
  The buddy system
  Division of labor
  Standard operating procedures

Question 113 of 118

What is the ICS term for a geographically divided area of operations?

Question 114 of 118

What is the relationship between NIMS and ICS?
  NIMS replaces ICS
  NIMS was formerly known as ICS
  ICS is a component of NIMS
  NIMS is a component of ICS

Question 115 of 118

Which element of the ICS organization is responsible for directing tactical activities?
  Tactical Group
  Operations Section
  Command Staff

Question 116 of 118

Which position is part of the Command Staff?
  Public Information

Question 117 of 118

Who does the Public Information Officer report to?
  Command Staff
  Incident Commander
  Operations Section Chief
  Planning Section Chief

Question 118 of 118

The Planning function is part of which ICS organizational element?
  Logistics Section
  Sitstat Group
  Command Staff
  General Staff