Paramedic Tutor Audit Quiz

Question 1 of 50

Which of the following is the best definition of eustress?
  Stress during the grieving process
  Positive stress, experienced before taking the NREMT-P
  Negative Stress
  Negative stress, experienced during the grieving process

Question 2 of 50

The grieving process has 5 steps. The stages are denial, anger, bargaining, and what is the 4th step?

Question 3 of 50

The last and 5th step of the grieving process is:
  death of a family member

Question 4 of 50

You arrive on scene of an auto-pedestrian accident where a 50's male was hit by a car. He was riding a moped and was carrying a 6 pack of beer, which have all broken. The pt. states that he is fine and isn't hurt and gets up off the concrete. He states that he is fine regardless of the question asked. You should take this person to the hospital based on
  release this patient
  expressed consent
  informed consent
  implied consent

Question 5 of 50

You arrive on scene of a 10 y/o male pt. who has an angulated fracture of the left wrist. He is crying in pain and his arm is flopping around. How should you treat this patient?
  Expressed consent allows you to treat this patient
  Treat this patient with splinting and pain control.
  Implied consent allows you to treat this patient
  Don't provide invasive treatments until contact has been made with a guardian

Question 6 of 50

You arrive on scene of an apartment complex for an apparent suicide attempt. The scene is very quite and you feel something is not right. It is your responsibility to ensure
  crew safety
  high quality patient care
  crew integrity
  immediate transport

Question 7 of 50

Standard precautions dictates that you wear gloves on
  patients who you suspect haven't showered
  patients that you don't know
  all patients
  patients with a history of infectious disease

Question 8 of 50

Level "A" PPE, commonly called HAZMAT suits, provides what level of protection?
  the same protection as street clothing
  protection to respiratory tract
  complete skin and respiratory protection
  the same protection as bunker gear

Question 9 of 50

To disinfect is to
  remove most virus and bacteria from an object
  remove all virus and bacteria

Question 10 of 50

You want to give 150mg of amiodarone to a patient, but it is not a standing order per protocol. You call the doctor to obtain
  a direct order
  offline medical direction
  a standing order
  a consultation

Question 11 of 50

You want to give 150mg of amiodarone to a patient. You call the doctor to get an order by phone. This is an example of
  online medical direction
  using the doctor to spread liability
  standing order
  offline medical direction

Question 12 of 50

Within the DOT, which department develops EMT curriculum?

Question 13 of 50

A policy differs from a standing order in that
  standing orders are the same as protocols
  policies are the same as standing orders
  policies are not related to patient care
  standing orders are not related to patient care

Question 14 of 50

You are called emergent to a 86 y/o patient that is having a stroke. The nursing staff state patient is having an active stroke with unilateral weakness. The patient has no complaints, is AAOx4, and refuses your care. Your physical exam is negative for stroke. You believe the patient is not having a problem. Helping this patient make an informed decision on medical care is an example of
  patient's rights
  patient assessment
  pattern recognition
  patient advocacy

Question 15 of 50

In 1966 the publication of the "white paper" lead to the development of what US department?
  EMT classes

Question 16 of 50

What US department is in control of EMS systems, and tasked with the original or first EMS development?

Question 17 of 50

The current 4 levels of EMS professionals are:
  EMR, Basics, Advanced EMT's, Paramedics
  EMR, EMT, AEMT, Paramedic
  First responder, EMT-B, EMT-I, EMT-P
  First responder, EMT, EMT-I, Medic

Question 18 of 50

A license to practice medicine is granted by:
  The state of practice
  The federal government
  The school of EMS

Question 19 of 50

Certification refers to:
  The testing process or examination to verify competency in certain areas
  The EMS school that gives tests
  A medical direction release form
  The state license

Question 20 of 50

The credentialing required to practice within an EMS system is assigned by:
  The EMS school
  The State of practice
  Medical direction

Question 21 of 50

Sympathy is defined as:
  Sharing the same feelings as someone else
  Wishing the situation never occurred
  Feeling sad about what happened
  Showing concern for someone's situation, but not sharing the same feelings

Question 22 of 50

Empathy is defined as:
  Sharing the same feelings as someone else
  Feeling sad about what happened
  Wishing the situation never occurred
  Showing concern for someone's situation, but not sharing the same feelings

Question 23 of 50

Malfeasance is defined as:
  Willfully preforming incorrect action or preforming action in a way that harms another party
  Not responding to a call when requested
  Willfully and intentionally injuring another
  Failure to preform a required procedure or skill

Question 24 of 50

Misfeasance is defined as:
  Willfully and intentionally injuring another
  Failure to preform a required procedure or skill
  Willfully preforming incorrect action or preforming action in a way that harms another party
  Not responding to a call when requested

Question 25 of 50

Nonfeasance is defined as:
  Willfully preforming incorrect action or preforming action in a way that harms another party
  Not responding to a call when requested
  Failure to preform a required procedure or skill
  Willfully and intentionally injuring another

Question 26 of 50

You are called emergent to the memory care unit of a nursing home. An 80 y/o patient has fallen and has a 2 cm skin tear on his head. He answers all questions appropriately and remembers the event. He states he is refusing care. The patient is not oriented to place or time. Does this patient have the right to refuse?

Question 27 of 50

You run on an 85 y/o female who has fallen down and hit her head. She has some bleeding and is unresponsive to pain. Respiratory rate of 4 and pulse of 82. The nurse says she has a DNR, but she is not sure where it is. How should you treat this patient?
  Treat patient but do not intubate
  Withhold treatment and allow nurse to find DNR
  Full treatment until DNR form arrives
  Withhold treatment for 1 minute giving time for the nurse to find the form

Question 28 of 50

You have a critical patient needing RSI, which you cannot preform, and the closest hospital states they are on ED divert. The next hospital is 20 miles away. What should you do?
  call the ED back and tell them you are coming anyway
  transport to next closest facility 20 miles away
  call an air ambulance
  transport to closest facility, because this is appropriate

Question 29 of 50

When does a durable power of attorney assign medical control to a guardian of the patient's choosing?
  As soon as the document is signed
  When the patient can no longer hold a pen
  When the patient is physically/mentally incapable of making their own decisions
  Only if the patient has a valid DNR

Question 30 of 50

You are called emergent to a 20 y/o female who has had a miscarriage. Her cousin comes into the room and asks what is happening. Based on patient confidentiality and HIPPA, you should
  not tell the family member about the patient's current condition
  tell the family member to speak with the patient when she is ready
  tell them to talk to the officer on scene
  tell them because they are family

Question 31 of 50

A valid DNR must be signed by
  the family
  a medical professional
  the nursing facility
  a doctor

Question 32 of 50

A living will describes
  the type of interventions that can be made before death
  the guardian of the patient's estate
  where the patient wants their belongings kept
  DNR procedures

Question 33 of 50

You are called emergent to a 72 y/o male patient who is complaining of shortness of breath. The patient is AAOx4 and has a history of COPD. The patient is lethargic and the family presents you with a valid and signed DNR requesting no intervention. The patient then states "please don't let me die!" What should you do?
  Call medical control for guidance
  Consult with the family for the best practice
  This patient should receive full treatment
  This patient shouldn't receive EMS treatment

Question 34 of 50

The unwanted touching of another person is called
  People being people
  Domestic Violence

Question 35 of 50

You are called emergent to a 60 y/o male patient with an active myocardial infarction. It is shift change time and you have been trying to go home for hours. A first responder shows up on scene and you tell them to take this call because you are too tired to do another. You could be sued for...

Question 36 of 50

You are called emergent to a skilled nursing facility. There is an 89 y/o female patient in cardiac arrest and nursing staff are standing around looking nervous. The patient has a DNR but the staff has lost it. What should you do for this patient?
  Leave the patient there and call the coroner
  Start resuscitation
  Call patient's PCP if available for consult
  Wait for a DNR to be presented

Question 37 of 50

A durable power of attorney refers to
  attorney's that specialize is probate
  a document that requests no medical intervention should begin in the event of cardiac arrest
  probate courts releasing patient's information to the public
  the person who should make important medical decisions in the event you become incapacitated

Question 38 of 50

What US department is in control of EMS radio channels?

Question 39 of 50

The type of radio that can penetrate and pass through buildings is

Question 40 of 50

The type of radio frequency that can travel long distance but is easily stopped by obstructions is

Question 41 of 50

Choose the synonym for anterior

Question 42 of 50

Choose the synonym for posterior

Question 43 of 50

The left sided midclavicular line is used as a placement marker for which precordial lead?

Question 44 of 50

Is the elbow proximal or distal to the wrist?

Question 45 of 50

Is the ankle proximal or distal to the knee?

Question 46 of 50

Choose the retroperitoneal organ:

Question 47 of 50

Within the thoracic cavity lies the mediastinum. The mediastinum refers to:
  The area superior to the diaphragm, mainly the ventral cavity.
  Area between the lungs including the heart, aorta, esophagus, etc.
  The pleural cavity
  The pleural space

Question 48 of 50

The primary function of the mesentery is to provide:
  support, protection, blood flow, and innervation mostly to the small intestine
  support for the peritoneum
  support, cushion, and provide lipids to the omentum

Question 49 of 50

The cervical spine consists of _________ number of vertebrae

Question 50 of 50

The thoracic spine consists of _________ number of vertebrae