EMT Tutor Audit Quiz

Question 1 of 50

Which federal agency has developed standards for training and development of the EMS system?
  The Department of Homeland Security
  The Department of Public Health
  The National Institutes of Health
  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Question 2 of 50

Currently, the national EMS Education and Practice Blueprint and National Registry of EMTs recognize how many levels of EMS providers?

Question 3 of 50

Which of the options below is a role or responsibility of an EMT-Basic?
  Rescue Operations
  Patient Assessment
  Fire Suppression
  Crime Investigation

Question 4 of 50

In order to maintain proficiency in the field, EMTs should:
  Attend continuing education sessions
  All of the answers are correct
  Attend Conferences
  Read professional journals
  Practice calls and skills regularly

Question 5 of 50

Maintaining a patient's dignity, their rights to privacy, and respecting their wishes are examples of which role of the EMT-Basic?
  Patient assessment
  Patient confidentiality
  Patient recognition
  Patient advocacy

Question 6 of 50

Another term for "medical direction" is:
  Medical oversight
  Medical control
  Medical advocacy
  Patient advocacy
  Quality improvement

Question 7 of 50

When an EMT consults directly, either through phone or radio, with a doctor from his or her home hospital, that is called:
  Doctor consultation
  A hospital consult
  Offline medical control
  Online medical control
  Patient advocacy

Question 8 of 50

When a doctor assists EMTs with standing orders and protocols, provides initial and continuing education, and participates in quality control, it is called:
  Offline medical control
  Online medical control
  Quality assurance
  Quality improvement

Question 9 of 50

The physician that assumes ultimate responsibility for patient care in every aspect of the EMS system is:
  The Medical Director
  EMS Director
  The ER doctor who receives the patient
  A physician does not take ultimate responsibility; the EMT does
  None of these answers are correct

Question 10 of 50

The list of steps, such as assessments and interventions, to be taken in different situations developed by a Medical Director are:
  None of these are correct
  Standing orders

Question 11 of 50

Which of the following is NOT a part of an EMS system as identified by the "Technical Assistance Program Assessment Standards" provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration?
  Resource management

Question 12 of 50

Safety at an emergency scene is the responsibility of the:
  Individual EMT
  Highest ranking member on scene
  Safety officer on scene
  Incident Commander

Question 13 of 50

You arrive on the scene of a shooting at a bar. Police called you in, stated that the scene has been secured and that there are multiple shooting victims. The first victim you see is lying on the floor with a spurting wound coming from a brachial artery on one arm, and is still holding a gun in the other arm. What is the best course of action?
  Immediately control the weapon before he hurts any of the bystanders.
  Apply strong pressure to the bleeding arm. The patient has an arterial bleed and could die soon.
  Retreat and notify police that there is an injured person with a weapon.
  Ask the patient to drop his weapon so you can help him. Otherwise, he will bleed out.

Question 14 of 50

You've arrived at the home of a terminally ill patient. The patient is silent, uninterested, and despairing. This patient is most likely in what emotional stage?

Question 15 of 50

You arrive on scene of a shooting, and are directed toward a man who has been shot in the leg, where his wound is spurting bright red blood. To properly prepare for this call, what BSI precautions do you NOT need to take?
  HEPA respirator
  Latex or rubber gloves
  Glasses or goggles
  All of the answers should be taken

Question 16 of 50

A legal right to function as an EMT is contingent on:
  Demonstrating mastery of skills through national registry
  Obtaining insurance to work under
  Acquiring medical direction
  Acting ethically

Question 17 of 50

You arrive on scene and find a 50 year-old man lying on a street corner. You introduce yourself and ask the patient if you can "check him out. The patient responds by mumbling something that you cannot understand. What is the best course of action?
  Begin treatment immediately based on expressed consent.
  Try to find more information about the patient before initiating treatment.
  Begin treatment immediately based on implied consent.
  Contact the police and wait for them to initiate treatment.

Question 18 of 50

A policy or protocol issued by a Medical Director that authorizes EMTs and others to perform particular skills in certain situations is called:
  Direct medical order
  Standing order
  Offline medical direction

Question 19 of 50

A process of continuous self-review with the purpose of identifying and correcting aspects of the system that require improvement is termed:
  Quality improvement
  Medical review
  Improvement review
  Quality review
  Medical direction

Question 20 of 50

Which of the following is NOT a component of the EMS system?
  EMS personnel
  All of the answers are components of an EMS system
  Emergency department staff
  911 dispatchers

Question 21 of 50

The definition of "quality improvement" is:
  Proper documentation of an EMS run.
  The process of reviewing aspects of an EMS system and identifying needs and areas that could be improved upon.
  A medical director teaching EMS personnel and developing protocols.
  Identifying problems before they arise.

Question 22 of 50

On scene of a cardiac patient who is struggling with chest pain, you call medical direction and the doctor directs you to administer nitroglycerin to the patient. This is an example of:
  A direct order from medical control
  Offline medical direction
  Online medical direction
  Standing orders

Question 23 of 50

Which of the following hospitals is NOT designated as a specialty hospital?
  A regional hospital
  A pediatric hospital
  A trauma hospital
  A burn center

Question 24 of 50

When an EMT speaks up for a patient to protect his or her rights, the EMT is acting as the patient's:

Question 25 of 50

BSI stands for:
  Bacteria Substance Isolation
  Body Stuff Isolation
  Body Substance Isolation
  Bacteria Separation Infection

Question 26 of 50

PPE stands for:
  Protective Personnel Equipped
  Personal Protective Engagement
  Protective Personal Equipment
  Personal Protective Equipment

Question 27 of 50

All of the following are examples of PPE EXCEPT:
  Eye protection
  Protective gloves
  Hand washing

Question 28 of 50

All of the below are examples of stress reactions EXCEPT:
  Cumulative stress
  Critical stress
  Acute stress
  Delayed stress

Question 29 of 50

An incident that could lead an EMT to have a stress-related reaction would be:
  Death of a coworker
  An MCI
  Severe injuries
  Any incident could lead to a stress reaction.
  Calls involving infants

Question 30 of 50

The two types of stress are:
  Distress and culminated stress
  Eustress and distress
  Eustress and acute stress
  Distress and acute stress
  Eustress and delayed stress

Question 31 of 50

Signs and symptoms of stress include all of the following EXCEPT:
  Changes in daily activities
  Difficulty sleeping
  Memory loss
  Inability to concentrate
  Irritability with family

Question 32 of 50

Critical incident stress debriefing should:
  Take place a week after the incident
  Not include certain members of the call
  Involve criticism of judgments made on the call
  Be an open and honest discussion of feelings and emotions

Question 33 of 50

What is considered to be the most important method of reducing disease transmission?
  Proper decontamination after calls
  Frequent hand washing
  Eye protection
  Using a mask when exposed to someone with a cold
  Wearing gloves on all calls

Question 34 of 50

Which of the options below will provide information about hazardous materials?
  U.S. DOT Guidebook
  National Emergency Response Guidebook
  All of the answers are correct

Question 35 of 50

An EMT, after he or she is certified, will have the knowledge of how to enter a hazardous materials scene without any extra assistance.
  In some districts
  In most districts

Question 36 of 50

At a violent domestic scene, EMTs must decide if they can enter or if they should wait for police.
  Every district is different
  Sometimes you never know

Question 37 of 50

An EMT's first and primary responsibility is:
  Your partner's safety
  All of the answers
  Personal safety
  Patient care
  Knowing what's best for the patient

Question 38 of 50

Which call could potentially be the most stressful to an EMT?
  An 82-year old patient that has passed away while at a daughters house
  A 2-year old child that is unconscious and not breathing after a fall
  An 18-year old female that has overdosed on medication due to depression
  A 52-year old man that is currently having a heart attack
  A 22-year old male patient that probably ended his sports career due to injury

Question 39 of 50

Of the following, which is NOT a good example of stress reduction practices?
  Going out for drinks after a shift
  Talking with someone about your job
  Making sure that you get enough sleep every night
  Getting frequent exercise
  Trying to eat well

Question 40 of 50

You respond to a call with a leaking tanker truck on its side. There is a smell of something strange in the air and the liquid leaking out seems to be steaming. Several victims seem to be unconscious and are lying on the ground next to the tanker truck. You should do all of the following EXCEPT:
  Attempt to reach the nearest victim while holding your breath
  Without getting closer attempt to identify a placard or ID number on the truck
  Notify all responding units of a possible HazMat scenario
  Retreat to a safe distance
  Set up a treatment area to assist possible patients

Question 41 of 50

A pathogen is:
  All of the answers are correct.
  A bacteria
  A disease causing organism
  A virus

Question 42 of 50

The Standard of Care is defined as:
  The essence of standing orders and protocols
  An EMT's scope of practice
  Whatever medical direction dictates
  The minimum acceptable level of care normally provided in the area

Question 43 of 50

When an EMT arrives on scene and is identified as such, the EMT must legally provide emergency medical assistance. This responsibility is called:
  Duty to act
  Scope of practice
  Standards of care
  An ethical consideration
  A legal consideration

Question 44 of 50

While you are assessing a 55-year-old male patient with chest pain, he suddenly decides that he does not want any more treatment and orders you to stop touching him. What is the best course of action?
  Continue treatment and state that you will call medical control.
  Immediately restrain the patient because he is clearly not mentally competent.
  Tell him that you have already started treatment and cannot stop.
  Immediately assess his level of competency.

Question 45 of 50

On scene of a patient refusal, the woman declines to sign a refusal form. You have already assessed the patient's competency and explained the risks in refusing. The patient states comprehension, reiterates her desire to refuse, and continues to refuse to sign "any papers". Your best course of action is to:
  Tell the patient that she cannot refuse without signing the form and if she continues you'll have to force her to go.
  Have her husband or a bystander sign the form for the patient.
  Have your partner sign the form for a patient.
  Place an X where the patient should sign and in the report state the patient refused to sign.

Question 46 of 50

After a person has signed a refusal of treatment and transport form, it is important to not re-offer to the patient treatment or transport options. If you do, you will have to re-document the patient's refusal:
  Depends on Medical Control.

Question 47 of 50

You pick up a high school student and transport her to the hospital. After the call, you are packing up the ambulance, and an elderly woman approaches you and states that she is the student's legal guardian. She asks how the patient is doing by name. What is the best way to handle this situation?
  Tell her that to do so would be a breach of duty and that you could be sued.
  Ask her a question that only a legal guardian would know, to ensure that she is telling the truth.
  Since the woman knows the student;s name, she is most likely telling the truth.
  Direct the woman to the E.D. check-in desk.

Question 48 of 50

You arrive on scene of a low-speed, low-impact, and no damage auto accident. Initially, the patient cannot remember where he was going, what his name is, or the day of the week. You ask him to let you assess him further and he refuses. Your best course of action is to:
  Have your partner and another witness sign the refusal form since the man doesn't want to.
  Have the man sign a refusal form.
  Restrain the man, and transport him to the hospital.
  Have police explain to the man that he must go to the hospital.

Question 49 of 50

When a patient suffers damage or injury because an EMT fails to perform at the accepted standard of care, this is termed:
  None of these are correct
  Standard of care

Question 50 of 50

For negligence to be proven, all of the following must be shown EXCEPT:
  There was a breach of duty
  There was a duty to act
  There was proximate cause
  Care was passed to someone of lower rank or certification
  Damages occurred